The objective of the SHEEP AL.L. CHAIN project is the valorization of the farms of the autochthonous Bellunese sheep breeds with limited diffusion, the Alpagota and Lamon breeds, with a computerized sharing of genealogical data and traceability of the productions. Valorisation that will pass through both more scientific aspects relating to the computerised sharing of all data useful to safeguard the presence and continuity of these two breeds, thanks to the support of the University of Padua, and through territorial marketing actions because the valorisation of the productions linked to the two breeds cannot take place without that of the territory. The result was to achieve an improvement in the competitiveness of the breeding of autochthonous sheep breeds with limited diffusion: Alpagota sheep and Lamon sheep.

At the base of the project there was a strong level of cooperation among the partners, essential to achieve the objectives set and heterogeneous among them so as to address simultaneously the different areas on which the project was developed. The direct involvement of farmers and their associations was fundamental in order to structure the actions on the basis of their real needs and requests so as to make the results useful and sustainable over time.
Research and development
The research and development activities were carried out by the Department of Agronomy of the University of Padua and had as main result the project app. The app is a very important tool for the breeders that allows a better and more efficient management of the flocks, especially because it has been developed and tested by the breeders themselves. A fundamental role in having such a high-performance tool has been played by ULSS 1 Dolomiti for genetic and veterinary data, as well as the role of intermediary with public bodies in possession of the necessary information. A further objective of the app is to promote product traceability, a fundamental element for guaranteeing the correct added value to products linked to the chain of the two native breeds of sheep through joint territorial marketing activities.

Finally, the University of Padua carried out an analysis on the feasibility and opportunity of converting sheep farming to organic farming, with a view to defining a real organic district at district level, in particular for the Alpago and Cansiglio areas.
Marketing and communication
The territorial marketing and communication activities implemented as part of the project are different from each other, but all useful to provide, especially to farmers, useful tools to continue these actions independently in the future. In fact, several photographic materials and videos subtitled in English have been produced so as to be exploited also in international contexts. They tell and describe, in the words of the breeders themselves and of the people who live there, the territories of Alpago and Feltrino in the province of Belluno, with stories, traditions and curiosities linked to the two native sheep breeds. The communication and marketing strategy of the project was based on a market analysis that highlighted the distinctive elements of the two territories and their link with the two breeds of sheep, highlighting the target consumers and tourists interested in this type of product, what actions and communication and sales channels to use to reach them, always with an eye on the main competitors.
In this regard, in 2020, a cooking show was held in Farra d’Alpago where local products were the focus of two culinary workshops held by master chefs who were able to enhance the flavors.
The event was realized in collaboration with the Consorzio Turistico Alpago Consiglio and Slow Food Condotta of Belluno with particular reference to the promotion of the Alpago Lamb meat, Slow Food Presidium. In the second half of 2020, on the other hand, the activity of a diffuse editorial community began, i.e. a group of people, in particular the breeders of the two sheep breeds, but in general all interested parties (private citizens, administrations, consortia and tourist offices, local tourist and economic operators, etc.), who together manage the Facebook page of the SHEEP AL.L. CHAIN project, telling and describing from their point of view the territory with its natural, cultural, historical and landscape characteristics.

Learn more on the project
In order to promote the dissemination of the results both at Italian and international level, five short articles have been prepared in Italian and English that describe more specifically the individual project activities:
Partners and other information
The project leader is the Centro Consorzi of Sedico, the other partners are the two breeders’ associations Fea de Lamon and Fardjma, two breeding farms (Az. Agr. Giopp Ruggero and Az. Agr. Terre dei Gaia), the Department of Agronomy Animal Food Natural Resources and Environment of the University of Padua, AULSS 1 Dolomiti, Unione Montana Alpago, Istituto Agrario di Feltre “A. Della Lucia” and Punto 3 srl.
For more information about the project: Antonella Tormen